Clever teaser trailer for 'Ralph Breaks the Internet: Wreck-It Ralph 2' hits the web

After years of poor quality and mediocre movies, the Disney Animation Renaissance has brought the company back from the dead, delivering a seemingly never-ending series of instant classics. Disney may have been beaten by Pixar at the game they invented for the better part of a decade, but I would argue that the Mouse House has the upper hand now. Frozen became both an instant cultural touchstone and one of the highest-grossing films of all time, Zootopia shattered expectations on its way to $1 billion worldwide, and Tangled and Moana managed to solidify themselves as new Disney classics. But in the midst of these box office behemoths and critical sensations, Disney delivered a truly terrific movie that has somehow managed to fly under the radar- Wreck-It Ralph. The ingenious story of a video game villain who doesn't want to be defined by his role in the game, Wreck-It Ralph is a delight from start to finish, one that improves upon repeat viewings. But since it only made $471 million worldwide and only received an 87% Fresh score on Rotten Tomatoes, it has yet to be considered a new Disney classic. But the joke is on everyone else- Wreck-It Ralph is now the first of this new Disney generation to get a sequel. Earlier this week, Disney unveiled the teaser trailer for Ralph Breaks the Internet: Wreck-It Ralph 2- watch it below!

In many ways, this movie feels inevitable. After exploring the world of classic arcade games in the 2012 original, it only makes sense for Ralph to head to the crazy world of the internet. It's a brilliant idea for a follow-up, and while a second viewing of the trailer caused a brief Emoji Movie-related panic attack, I'm confident that directors Rich Moore and Phil Johnston and their team of writers will be able to pull off what that ill-fated endeavor could not. The original Wreck-It Ralph blended a referential sense of adult humor with genuine, kid-friendly warmth and heart, while also conjuring up a sense of candy-colored visual energy that everyone could enjoy. This may just be a teaser trailer, but it looks like Ralph Breaks the Internet will deliver another clever burst of fun. There are quite a few funny gags on display here, and I love the little internet references that will totally fly over kids' heads ("These 10 child stars went to prison!"). Obviously there isn't much in the way of plot or substance here, but we're still over 7 months away from the release date. This is just a great taste of what's to come, and it's an introduction to what's probably one of the best sequel concepts in recent memory. In an upcoming fall season that is increasingly stacked with top-tier movies, this is near the top of my must-see list.

Ralph Breaks the Internet: Wreck-It Ralph 2 will open in theaters on November 21.

Box Office numbers via Box Office Mojo
Image: Disney/IMDB
