Finally! Check out the full trailer for Duncan Jones' Netflix sci-fi epic 'Mute'

Mute will be on Netflix in less than a month. Seriously, this film will be released on the streaming service on February 23. The media giant has always had a slightly different approach to marketing, but this is a late start even by their standards. After the success of Bright, which was handled very much like a traditional studio tentpole, you would think that Netflix would be more willing to put their promotional might behind these big films. But then again, this is Netflix we're talking about, and they do things their own way. Regardless of the studio's marketing efforts, Duncan Jones' sci-fi passion project has been in the works for years, and we saw the first photographic still well over a year ago. Jones, the son of rock icon David Bowie, became an indie sci-fi sensation with the one-two punch of Moon and Source Code, which gained widespread acclaim. However, Jones lost a little bit of critical favor with Warcraft, the much-maligned adaptation of the popular video game series (I liked it well enough). But with Jones back in original sci-fi territory, there's quite a bit of hype around Mute. After a long wait, check out the full trailer!

As a brief look at the incredible, Blade Runner-inspired world that Jones has created, this trailer for Mute gets the job done. The visuals look utterly magnificent, and this seems like an immersive, out-of-this-world experience. But if this trailer was trying to serve as an introduction to the film's narrative, it's a failure on all counts. I genuinely cannot tell what this movie is supposed to be about, and the lack of clarity is disheartening for a full-length trailer. The IMDb logline gives a few additional details, but then again, I shouldn't have to look at a synopsis after watching a trailer. Don't get me wrong, I'm still unbelievably excited to see what Jones has cooked up here. He's a director with very distinct sensibilities, and I have no doubt that Mute will be another wholly original, thrilling saga. On the surface, Mute looks gorgeous and weird and truly unique. But here's hoping that the final product is much better than this lackluster trailer.

The good news? We won't have to wait long to find out. Mute hits Netflix on February 23.

Image: IMDb/Netflix
