'Untitled Deadpool Sequel' viral teaser features the Merc with a Mouth as Bob Ross

Deadpool may not be the best superhero movie of the last few years, but there's no doubt that it was a game-changer when it was released in February 2016. Along with Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight and Joss Whedon's The Avengers, Tim Miller's solo adventure for the Merc with a Mouth showed just how far the superhero genre could go. Not only did Deadpool expand the possibilities of the R rating in regards to comic book movies, but it also allowed for these films to be self-aware and deliberately comedic in nature. We're already seeing both effects in the form of films like Logan and Thor: Ragnarok, and the Deadpool influence will likely only expand from there. The film's surprise box office success also meant that a franchise was all but guaranteed, and the sequel is going to be one of the biggest cinematic events of 2018. The Untitled Deadpool Sequel (a title that I'm pretty sure they're going to keep) won't hit theaters until June, but Fox launched the marketing campaign earlier this week with a brief teaser. Check it out below!

I know some critics are already concerned about the possibilities of a crazier, more obnoxious Deadpool sequel, but I'm kinda intrigued to see where this franchise goes from here. As someone who is getting tired of the visual and narrative sameness of many current superhero films (although we were blessed with three tremendous ones this year), I'm perfectly okay with a movie that is just off-the-wall insane. This is more of a viral video than a trailer, but as Forbes' Scott Mendelson notes, the Deadpool sequel has the chance to "rewrite the book on blockbuster marketing" by showing nearly no footage. Nonetheless, this clip is frankly hilarious, demonstrating everything that I love about Reynolds as this character. Deadpool as Bob Ross is genius, and it perfectly captures the oddball tone of this whole series. The plot sounds quite insane, and the fact that Josh Brolin, Eddie Marsan, Zazie Beetz, and Hunt for the Wilderpeople's Julian Dennison are joining the cast has me very excited. Plus, with Atomic Blonde and John Wick's David Leitch in the director's chair, this has the potential to be a stylish sequel as well. All in all, this is a great little tease for one of the biggest films of 2018. This could be a lot of fun.

Untitled Deadpool Sequel opens on June 1, 2018.

Image: Fox/IMDB
