New 'Terminator' film to hit theaters on July 26, 2019

Sigh. Here we go again.

Remember when Terminator: Genisys was going to be the start of a new trilogy? When Paramount and Skydance and Megan Ellison were all going to work together to deliver a blockbuster series for the ages? Yeah, how'd that turn out?

To put it simply, I have no confidence left in the Terminator franchise and I don't see why anyone else should. Even though I find Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines to be a passably entertaining bit of action nonsense, I think we can all agree that 1991's T2: Judgment Day was the last good entry in the series. Terminator: Salvation remains one of the most tediously glum action films I've ever seen, and while I actually defended Genisys in the build-up to its release, I have no shame in admitting that I never actually saw the thing. But like the Terminator itself, this series just will not die. Recent reports have mentioned that James Cameron and Linda Hamilton will be involved with a new sequel, and while I avoided writing about this upcoming film so far, I feel that I have no choice now that a date is firmly in place.

The next Terminator film, which currently does not have a title, will land in theaters on July 26, 2019. That puts it at the tail end of a busy month, one that includes Spider-Man: Homecoming 2, Tom Cruise's Top Gun sequel, and Disney's live-action rendition of The Lion King. This news breaks as part of a massive article at The Hollywood Reporter, which features an abundance of new details on the project, including an interview with James Cameron and Tim Miller, who will be at the helm for this new movie. Here's a quick summary of what we learned from this report:

-Remember how I mentioned Annapurna executive Megan Ellison earlier? Well, her brother, David Ellison, is the one leading the way on this new franchise.

-The writer's room is currently comprised of David Goyer, Charles Eglee, Josh Friedman, Justin Rhodes, Ellison, and Cameron himself, who shows up on occasion while also directing his Avatar sequels.

-The goal is to create a new trilogy with Arnold Schwarzanegger and Linda Hamilton, who will usher in a new female lead for the series.

-This new Terminator will be for the age of "Amazon drones, Facebook news bots and artificial intelligence-fueled anxiety."

-Cameron says that this is a direct sequel to T2 and that the filmmakers are "pretending the other films were a bad dream."

So what do I make of all this? Well, I suppose it's good that Cameron is actually involved this time, instead of just giving his half-hearted seal of approval when the marketing campaign rolls around. But I just don't know what story is left for this franchise to tell. Cameron's ambitious and Tim Miller showed a lot of promise with Deadpool, but where can they possibly go for this thing? AI is as topical as ever, and yet I just don't see a new Terminator film, starring the same people who made the first one over 30 years ago, becoming anything that is worth seeing. Of course I'm hoping for the best, but I have zero expectations for this thing.

Source: The Hollywood Reporter
Images: IMDB
