After a rotating series of directors and stars, it appears that Universal is ready to debut Steve Jobs, the biopic directed by Danny Boyle. The film, which stars Michael Fassbender, Seth Rogen, Kate Winslet, Jeff Daniels, Katharine Waterston and Michael Stuhlbarg, will now hit theaters on October 9, 2015. That's a prime release date for Oscar season and the film will undoubtedly be a front-runner for the 2015 Oscars. Steve Jobs will face off against a few smaller flicks and New Line's Vacation reboot when it debuts in October, but neither film seems like direct competition to the Jobs biopic. The film should have strong box office success throughout the month of October and November before Oscar nominations in January.
To be honest, I never actually thought that this film would get made, or at least not for a long time. After David Fincher dropped out and Sony decided to let go of the movie, I figured it would be a few years before we saw a Jobs biopic. Fortunately, we're getting it much earlier and with a stellar cast. Fassbender, Rogen, Daniels, Winslet, Waterston and Stuhlbarg should make for a spectacular ensemble and director Danny Boyle will make some interesting choices as the film's director. And let's not forget the script by Aaron Sorkin. He's one of Hollywood's most talented screenwriters, and his ability to develop strong characters and sharp dialogue is impeccable. I can't wait to see this film and I hope that it lives up to the hype.
Source: Variety
To be honest, I never actually thought that this film would get made, or at least not for a long time. After David Fincher dropped out and Sony decided to let go of the movie, I figured it would be a few years before we saw a Jobs biopic. Fortunately, we're getting it much earlier and with a stellar cast. Fassbender, Rogen, Daniels, Winslet, Waterston and Stuhlbarg should make for a spectacular ensemble and director Danny Boyle will make some interesting choices as the film's director. And let's not forget the script by Aaron Sorkin. He's one of Hollywood's most talented screenwriters, and his ability to develop strong characters and sharp dialogue is impeccable. I can't wait to see this film and I hope that it lives up to the hype.
Source: Variety
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