DC Bombshell: Batman/Superman in 2015, Flash in 2016, Justice League in 2017

With a dismal set of movies in theaters right now and not much more hitting theaters before the end of summer (The Wolverine and Elysium are highlights), all eyes are on San Diego Comic-Con to see what's coming next in the world of geek cinema. It's been uneventful over the last few days with the panel highlights through Friday were Sony's The Amazing Spider-Man 2 presentation and Summit/Lionsgate's Divergent and Ender's Game. But that all changed Saturday with the Warner Bros. panel.

This was reported earlier today but everyone was waiting for an official announcement from Warner Bros. and Zack Snyder themselves. After presentations from Gravity, Godzilla, The Seventh Son, The Lego Movie, and 300: Rise of An Empire, Warner Bros. sent Zack Snyder on stage to announce something.

That something was a Superman/Batman team-up.

Snyder first read this quote: "I want you to remember Clark in all the years to come. In all your private moments. In all the years to come, my hand at your throat. I want you to remember, this one man who beat you. " Apparently, that's a line from Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns. Immediately, fans knew what was going down and then this popped up on screen.


Sorry, I geeked out a little bit. As someone who is in the minority in not liking Man of Steel, I'm much more excited for this than I should be. But, my problem in Man of Steel was not character related. My problem was useless, stylistic destruction. I will watch Man of Steel again eventually and I probably will like it more if I watch as a comic-book fan. However, as a movie from a critic's perspective, Man of Steel is not impressive.

But still, I love Batman. I love Superman. I want this movie to be good. I want this movie to be great. I hope we can get it.


According to the Hollywood Reporter, Warner Bros. also has plans for a Flash movie in 2016 and a Justice League film in 2017. Nice. No official reports however, so I don't want to get too excited.
