David Fincher, Gillian Flynn and Ben Affleck to remake Hitchcock's 'Strangers on a Train'

David Fincher's Gone Girl was one of 2014's best films (don't worry, my list is coming soon) and I've been very excited to see what he's going to do next. For a while, many believed that Fincher would tackle the Steve Jobs biopic, but he quickly dropped off the project and Danny Boyle took over. Now, it appears that Fincher is going to be tackling a much more intriguing project along with Ben Affleck and screenwriter Gillian Flynn. According to Deadline, Fincher, Flynn and Affleck will now be re-teaming to remake Alfred Hitchcock's classic thriller Strangers on a Train.

The 1951 classic is a film noir masterpiece, but if the plot synopsis described by Deadline is any indication, Fincher's film will be a new and fresh spin on the classic tale. The film, titled Strangers, will star Affleck as an actor in the middle of an awards campaign who is given a ride by a mysterious stranger after his private jet breaks down. That is one of the more brilliant plot ideas that I've heard in recent memory and it seems like a great playground for Fincher and Flynn to concoct an awesome mix of satire and thrills. Affleck will be taking on "a variation of the role played by Farley Granger" in the film. At this point, Affleck is attempting to fit the film in between his next directorial effort, Live by Night, and the hotly-anticipated Justice League.

I could not be more excited for this film. I loved Gone Girl with a passion and I truly believe that it was one of Fincher's best movies to date. He's an extraordinarily talented director and I really wish that he had gotten more love during this awards season. I know that some are upset that Fincher is now tackling a remake, but I think that the material is fresh enough to warrant a new vision. Hopefully we'll be seeing this one sooner rather than later.

Source: Deadline
