New trailers for 'Total Recall', 'Prometheus', and 'Snow White and the Huntsman'

The Hunger Games has grossed $251 million dollars in 10 days, a record for a non-sequel. Its beginning to feel like summer at the box office, and Hollywood studios are stepping up their game with tons of new footage for films that they hope to be Hollywood's next hot property like The Hunger Games. There are several sure-fire hits coming this summer including The Avengers (projected to top The Hunger Games' opening weekend with $155 million), The Amazing Spider-Man, and The Dark Knight Rises. But there are also several question marks. Snow White and the Huntsman is getting positive buzz, especially with teens, but will it be enough to pull in audiences of all ages? Prometheus looks utterly amazing, but can it be a box office force? Battleship is getting negative buzz, with audiences deeming the flick 'Transformers 4', but will it make enough money from action-seeking teenagers to survive? These are all questions that will make or break the summer season. Here are the most recent trailers for all the summer's major releases.










Overall, I believe this will be a very exciting summer. The Avengers looks epic. I would go see it even if there was no marketing for it, but I'm super excited because it looks like it's going to deliver. The Dictator will be hilarious. Sacha Baron Cohen has stepped away from his mockumentary style to deliver what looks to be a hilarious, and offensive comedy. Dark Shadows looks iffy. There's been some anger among fans of the original series about the comedic tone of the promos so far and I've never been a huge Tim Burton fan. Battleship looks like a summer movie. Lots of explosions and action and I'm accepting it for what it is. It's not going to be a profound film. Men in Black 3 looks good. Snow White and the Huntsman looks pretty epic and Kristen Stewart may actually give a solid performance in this film. Prometheus has slowly become one of my most anticipated movies of the summer. It looks like it will be fantastic, though Fox will have to do a big marketing campaign if they want to make this a smash hit. The Amazing Spider-Man was a surprise. I was skeptical of a Spider Man remake, but it looks pretty good after watching this trailer. I need to see more footage before I decide on The Bourne Legacy, but Total Recall looks awesome. That's it for now.
